Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Pay and Motivation - DQ 1

Pay and Motivation - DQ 1

Q Pay and Motivation is discussed in our text on page 322-325, describe the pay plan framework at your work (specific dollars are not necessary), is it a motivator or de-motivator? Based on our Authors, your research and your experiences, what changes should be made to your company's performance pay plans to inspire and motivate employees to excel?

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At my work, the pay plan is such that there is scope for earning incentives and for being rewarded as well as recognized to be an outstanding organizational member. However, one has to be extremely good in performing in the organization so that one can be eligible for being recognized among other individuals in my workplace. Every six months, there is a review known as the semi-annual review. During this review, each and every organizational member is reviewed and has a face-to-face conversation with the manager or the review supervisor.